Galvin P. Bisserup, Jr.


Galvin P. Bisserup, Jr. is the owner and principal portrait photographer of Glickman Studio Photographers which has been in Freeport, NY for 98 years.

Over the years he has captured the many eventful moments of individual lives, from infancy through seasoned adulthood.

Bisserup marvels at the great human beings his camera has allowed him to come in contact with; from the President of the United States to local community figures.  His commitment to community allows him to offer his extensive knowledge of photography with the patience of Job, as a mentor to teenagers and seniors alike.  Galvin has served many local and national organizations, dance companies, church groups and schools.

For over three decades this professional photographer has been behind the camera capturing the smiles from the heart and soul.  “Mr. B” bird as Bisserup is affectionately called, has served for many years as a distinguished member of: Professional Photographers of American, Inc.; Professional Photography Society of New York; Professional Photographers of Greater New York; Wedding and Portrait Photographers International; and the Professional Photographers Minority Network.

He had the honor of being selected to photograph the Inaugural Ball of President Bill Clinton in 1993 and to photograph President George Bush in 2000.  Additionally, he has held memberships in: Kiwanis International Roosevelt Club co-founding the James M. Counts, Sr. Memorial “Taste of Soul”; Freeport-Roosevelt NAACP; and the Long Island Black Artists Association.

Galvin is married to his lovely wife Melody and they are proud parents of daughters Davette and Veta and the doting grandparents of Aaron Baker.

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