Elizabeth A. Amoroso


“Photography has always been a never fading love in life…“Although my education and background have been in marketing and business, represented by 30 years in textiles and woven products, (with 20 of those years as President of Hathaway Textiles) photography has been my faithful companion.

Early classes at the New School in 1973 and 1974 gave me the opportunity to learn from such outstanding photographers as Josef Breitenbach and Dennis Simonetti.  Continued special classes at the New School  and NYU over the years allowed me to move from film to digital.

With retirement in 2005 came the opportunity to devote more time to photography and once again I was fortunate to find myself in the midst of extremely talented and supportive company- Kathy Leistner and Terri Pakula- both fine are photographers whose work constantly raises the bar.

Every new day brings new possibilities and my camera begs to be part of it.’

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