Terri Pakula


“Glass Globe” -“I’ve been using the photographic medium since the late 60’s as a tool for self-expression…My journey took me to obtaining a M.F.A. in the mid-70’s and it hasn’t stopped.  Always a student as well as a teacher and coach of photography to this present day.

I have exhibited my work since the 1970’s throughout the country.  Embracing the new digital world has opened up an endless palette for me in the creative process, one which has exceeded the darkroom.  My tools vary from different cameras to different software programs.  Each tool is used for a different job or vision I might have

My philosophy is best expressed with the two following quotes:

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”  Ansel Adams

“Everything id s subject. Every subject has a rhythm.  To feel it is the raison d’etre.  The photograph is a fixed moment of such a raison d’etre, which lives on in itself.”  Andre Kertesz

You can view my images on my website http://terripakula.zenfolio.com

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