Randy Ilowite


“Sleeping Rocks” – “As with many photographers, my interest started when I was very young…“I remember nearly bankrupting my parents by taking so many pictures with the Brownie Hawkeye camera they had bought for me.  I wish I had those pictures now to compare to the ones I presently take.  I expect the quality and expertise would be vastly different but I think the main focus would be very similar…capturing a moment that becomes important to me and, hopefully, communicating that importance to a viewer.

“My love of photography and a career as a commercial film editor was good training.  I enjoyed working with cinematographers, directors, producers and art director because of our love of film and our mutual desire to produce entertaining (sometimes annoying) 30 second movies.

“Today my pursuit of great images continues.  My inclusion in a book about Long Island in poems and pictures, several library exhibits, an image of a Manhattan landmark displayed in over ninety rooms in a Manhattan hotel and several commercial ventures have given me an outlet for my photography.”

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