Today's hours: Sunday, Mar 23: 12 PM - 5 PM


Overdrive/Nassau Digital Doorway offers over 13,000 eBooks and audiobooks anytime or anywhere!
Download titles on your computer, tablet, smartphone, MP3 player or eBook reader.  Click Here to start browsing. 

Browse, borrow and enjoy up to 5 titles for 14 days. No returns required, items will automatically expire on your device. The collection includes adult fiction, non-fiction, teen and children’s titles.
To access Overdrive you will need:
* A valid Manhasset Public Library card in good standing
* Access to the Internet (high-speed connection preferred)
* Free downloadable software for the computer and/or device on which you wish to access the digital material.

 Access and enjoy nearly half a million titles, from six different formats: eAudiobooks, Movies, TV, Music Albums, eBooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. All in one location, from your computer, tablet or Smartphone!
With hoopla, there are no hold lists, no extra apps or accounts needed or special steps to use it.