Today's hours: Friday, Feb 21: 9 AM - 5 PM

Donna Gabusi


Normal is boring, beautiful/pretty is boring.

I draw expressive faces, and/or wrinkled.  Same with pretty scenery- boring.  I like painting broken fences, puddles, dirt, reflections- landscapes of Long Island mostly.  Lately I’ve been experimenting with old/young faces.  Merging past/present; old/young.

A lot of my skills and inspirations came form my high school art teacher and my elementary school art teacher.  Other inspirations and influences are from Leonardo da Vinci, Monet, DeKooning, Picasso, Bily Pappas, Kathy Kollwitz.

“The saddest thing in life is wasted talent,”- 1993 movie A Bronx Tale.

“Artists who are self-taught generally are more gifted than those with fancy degrees.”- actor/comedian Jonathan Winters

A Smithtown, NY native, Donna Gabusi has been an artist about 20 years.  She makes balck and white face portraits with pencil.  Her pet and house portraits and landscapes are painted with mostly earth colors of acrylic.  Sometimes she paints on fabric-covered matboard instead of canvas. It gives her work texture and a richer background color.

Donna has exhibited at galleries, cafes, stores, and libraries throughout Long Island.

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