Teen Zone
College Admissions

Grades 9, 10, 11
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
March 30, 2020
Presented by Michael Binder,
Your College Navigator, LLC
E-Books & Audiobooks
Homework Help From Tutor.Com!
Use tutor.com to get your homework done so you can get back to your life! Expert tutors help you finish your homework, study for your test and write your essays. Live, real-time help online from you computer, smart phone or tablet.
Click Here to get started!
School & Education Resources
Get the latest information from Manhasset Secondary School and St. Mary’s High School.
Scroll down for other handy homework and college prep sites.
Teen Virtual Art Gallery
NOTE: If you would like to see the name of the artist and the name of the artwork during the slideshow, you may have to click on OPTIONS, check ALWAYS SHOW TITLE AND DESCRIPTION, then click on the actual image.