Hindi Language Lessons
Wednesday, August 24
7:30 p.m.
Taught by Vinod Shah.
Prior registration required.
Wednesday, August 24
7:30 p.m.
Taught by Vinod Shah.
Prior registration required.
History Center at the Manhasset Public Library: 2019 in Review
Maggie Gough, Library Director
Antonia S. Mattheou, Archivist
Open for research by appointment only.
For additonal information contact:
Maggie Gough, Director
Mission Statement
Developed by Antonia S. Mattheou, Archivist
Manhasseet video gamer alert: We now have Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty MW3 for XBox 360 and PS3 exclusively for Manhasset cardholders.
Wednesday, May 4
1 p.m.
Community Room
Finally, have your dental questions fully answered by Harvey Passes, DDS in this enlightening and entertaining program.
Wednesday, April 20
1 p.m.
Community Room
with Fred Chernow
Learn how to put the story of your life on paper. Join others in getting hints and strategies for jump-starting your memoirs. Fred Chernow is the author of the bestseller The Sharper Mind.
Tuesday, May 24
7 p.m.
Community Room
Frank Vincenti of the Wild Dog Foundation will explore coyotes: their ecology, behavior, and possible arrival on Long Island.
A Community Outreach Program of North Shore Audubon Society. Refreshments at 7 p.m.; program at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 20
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Ages 5 + (with a caregiver)
All inclusive indoor playground.
Create your play space.
Tuesday, October 11
7 p .m.
Community Room
Prior registration required.
“Interpreting Landscape”, featuring the work of four artists will be on view at the Manhasset Public Library from July 30-September 29. An Artists’ Reception is planned for Saturday, September 10 from 2-4 p.m. The public is invited.
Tuesday, October 4
7 p .m.
Community Room
Prior registration required.
Thursday, August, 4
10 a.m.
Community Room
Second half August 11. Prior registration is required.
Thursday, August, 11
10 a.m.
Community Room
Second half of course. Prior registration is required.
Sunday, October 30
3 p.m.
Community Room
Songstress Betty Rose will be joined by pianist and husband Charles Castorina in celebration of Italian song. Enjoy all that’s Italian…and feel free to sing along.
Thursday, September 8
7 p.m.
Meet members of your local community and enjoy lively Italian conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino- frzbayview@aol.com or (516) 365-7168.
Thursday, July 14
7 p.m.
Meet members of your local community and enjoy lively Italian conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino- frzbayview@aol.com or (516) 365-7168.
Thursday,June 9
7 p.m.
Meet members of your local community and enjoy lively Italian conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino- frzbayview@aol.com or (516) 365-7168.
Thursday, October 13
7 p.m.
Meet members of your local community and enjoy lively Italian conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino- frzbayview@aol.com or (516) 365-7168.
Thursday, November 10
7 p.m.
Meet members of your local community and enjoy lively Italian conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino- frzbayview@aol.com or (516) 365-7168.
Thursday, May 12
7 p.m.
Meet members of your local community and enjoy lively Italian conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino- frzbayview@aol.com or (516) 365-7168.
Thursday, April 14
7 p.m.
Meet members from your local community and enjoy lively French conversation. For further information contact Fran Zino: frzbayview@aol.com
The August meeting of the Italian Conversation group has been cancelled. The September meeting will be held as scheduled.
Ordinary Objects
Through photography, I try to capture memories from my experiences and travels.
We challenge our Manhasset community to work together to read 500 HOURS (30,000 MINUTES) in the month of January!
We challenge our Manhasset community to work together to read 500 HOURS (30,000 MINUTES) in the month of January.
Ordinary Objects
Wednesday, April 27
1 p.m.
Community Room
with Robert Broderick, M.D.
New innovations in laser surgery make it possible to perform cataract surgery using a laser. This lecture will outline new technology used in cataract surgery.
Wednesday, October 5
9 a.m.
Circulation Desk
Manhasset Residents may register for the Late Fall Healthy Living Exercise Classes.
Choose from Tai chi for People with Arthritis and/or Early Morning Yoga with Loretta Di Benedetto. Classes begin the first week in November.
$20 per class; 8 lessons per session.
Day by day projects
to keep kids of all ages
reading, thinking, and
Day by day projects
to keep kids of all ages
reading, thinking, and
1st Wednesday of every month
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Grades 1 +
Free build or try one of
our fun challenge cards!
Thursday, September 22
1 p.m.
Community Room
Join Dr. James Kolb for a look at Lerner & Loewe’s 1960 classic musical Camelot, based on the King Arthur legend as adapted from T.H. White’s The Once and Future King.
Amazon and Overdrive have just announced that Kindle books can now be borrowed from public libraries and can be read on any generation Kindle device, free Kindle app, or in your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader.
Library will be closed Saturday, July 2- Monday, July 4
The Mental Health and Wellness Center at Molloy College is hosting a
LIVE Q&A regarding TEEN related issues with stress, anxiety, emotions, and wellness.