Today's hours: Tuesday, Mar 25: 11 AM - 9 PM

History Center Access Policy

The History Center at The Manhasset Public Library

Open for research by appointment only.
For additonal information contact:
Maggie Gough, Director

Access Policy
Developed by Antonia S. Mattheou, Archivist

Our Access Policy
These rules are designed to protect the archival records managed by the History Center and
assure that they will be available for future use. Basic collection descriptions are available on the
library’s website and printouts from the database are available upon request.
Staff and Consultants
The staff of the Manhasset Public Library can have access to the archival records during the
conduct of their daily work in order to provide assistance to patrons. Permission from the
Director should be given before access is granted. For Library staff members interested in a
particular subject for reasons of a different nature — for example, research for graduate work–
the access policy for outside researchers applies. Volunteers can have access to the archival
collections and the History Center only while assisting the Archivist or a Library staff member.
The Center should remain locked at all times. Keys should be kept in the Director’s office and by
the staff member on duty.

Outside Researchers
Access to records by outside researchers is at the discretion of the Archivist who consults with
the Library Director when questions arise. All records are available upon completion of the
appropriate forms, unless they are very fragile.
Material requested by researchers is reviewed by the staff before being given to the researcher in
order to inspect the physical condition of the records. A staff person should be available to
provide assistance and to discuss research requirements. The more complex the project, the more
important it is that there is a clear understanding of what information is needed and why is
Permission to study the records is not authorization to publish. Such authorization must be
requested in writing, and approval must be obtained.

Protection of Materials
Archival documents do not circulate. They can be viewed at the library. Patrons must leave
their driver’s license with the staff member on duty while using archival material.

Because of the irreplaceable and often fragile nature of many of our materials, both staff and
users have the obligation to preserve them for future use. Persons unwilling to cooperate in
protecting materials may be asked to leave and may be denied access in the future.
Users are asked to store coats, briefcases, and other personal possessions not essential to their
work by the entrance of the History Center. Materials requested are to be used only in the
History Center area and the quantity of materials examined at any one time may be limited.
Materials are issued for the exclusive use of the person requesting them and should be returned
to staff when research has been completed.

All materials must be handled with great care. Users of original materials are expected to take
notes in pencil, unless special permission has been received for other arrangements. Materials
should be kept flat on the reading table; nothing (including elbows) should be placed on them;
and pencils must be kept well away. It is the user’s responsibility to maintain the existing order
of materials being examined; the staff should be notified promptly of any apparent
disarrangement. Smoking, eating, and drinking are not permitted in the History Center.

Adherence to copyright law is the responsibility of the researcher.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), governs the making of
photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified
in the law, libraries, including the Manhasset History Center, are authorized to furnish a
photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or
reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or
research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes
in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
The Manhasset Public Library History Center reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying
orders if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. A
researcher should consult with the staff of this library for further information on copyright law
and how it applies to his/her research.